Hey there, don't forget to check out the previous podcasts, articles, and other media from Kim and the KSM!
Bindya Gandhi Podcast

Bindya Gandhi Podcast
“Everyone and their brother has an opinion about healthy eating and healthy living. Kim however has more than an opinion: Kim has a keen wisdom and intuition that looks deeper into her clients than just what we put into our stomachs. She goes beyond that and has the language to make us understand. She pulls no punches. She is honest and quite frankly, when you have a session with Kim you simply feel seen. “ -Alicia Coppola
“If you are interested in learning about yourself and improving your relationship with food, Kim’s group is for you! Kim provides a safe, caring environment to work on self care, positivity, body image and eating without shame. It is through her professional wisdom, personal life lessons, open personality, and sharing with other incredible women that makes this group so special and effective! Thank you again Kim—your group is truly special! By the way, I actually heard about you from listening to Jenny Hutt. I had to drive a lot for my previous job and would try to catch Weight Wednesday, and follow her on IG. She’s so nutty and totally endearing! Thanks for all you do!” -Ellen B
“The KSM showed me how to live where I can eat everything in moderation and when I’m hungry. I truly believe that prior to learning the rules, I didn’t know what true hunger signals were. I would eat because of boredom and emotions. By learning to listen to my body and the signals it gives me I can now understand what I need and when I need it. The KSM gave me a great tools at a young age to succeed in life.” -MA
“I was referred to Kim through a friend and I had no idea what to expect. What I did know is that I had tried every diet, every trend, every workout class, and everything to be “healthy” and I was never satisfied. To me, healthy meant skinny and hungry. It was through Kim that I was able to recognize that my idea of “healthy” was not only incorrect, but ill-informed, and a result of broken beliefs from my past. Before we met, I was living off of coffee and green juice until 3pm every day, feeling like I had won some contest because I waited so long to put food in my body. Through working with Kim, I’ve been able to replace my fear of food with the notion that when I eat, I’m nourishing my body and taking care of myself. Kim’s knowledge is unparalleled and combined with her brilliant intuition, she has transformed not only the way I eat, but also the way I choose to live my life. Because of Kim’s method, I know when I need to eat and I know how to identify emotions that are making me feel hungry when I’m actually not. I’ve not only lost weight, gotten healthier, and get 10,000 steps in a day, but I’ve gained self confidence, self-trust, and I’ve finally learned to love my body. There is no book, no diet, and no health trend that could have gotten me here. The Kim Shapira Method is not only transformative, but it’s changed my life. I love you Kim!” - Caroline
“With Kim’s guidance I was able to differentiate when my body was actually hungry and needed food from the times I was simply eating out of habit. Eating when I’m truly hungry has eradicated my mid-afternoon crash, reduced my need for a caffeine fix and upped my overall energy level throughout the day. Kim’s philosophy isn’t restrictive, I was able to eat whatever I wanted. But with her help, I understood the WHY of my eating and was able to make more purposeful choices, which allowed me to lose twelve pounds and return to my college weight.” -Dave
“Kim taught me to trust in my body. If you fill it with nutritious food, lots of water, and self-healing energy then the healthy days are very much possible. It’s been a frustrating process to get back to those healthy days but with Kim at my side, I know that anything is possible. She’s more knowledgeable than most doctors who just tend to want to throw pills at the problem. She has encouraged me to take control of my own journey because I know my body better than anyone - and Kim’s guidance through all of this is truly priceless.” - BB
“Working with Kim has transformed me. Yes, she has six rules for losing weight, but it is so much more than that. She has empowered me to modify my relationship with food. In less than 6 months, I lost 20 pounds. It has been a year and I haven’t gained it back. Kim is the reason.” - A.B.
“I learned to trust my body. It’s about the why not the what. I learned that a relationship with food is an actual relationship with our routines, rituals, history, assumptions - and our relationship with our bodies should be long and rich, not transactional. I learned what our relationship with food is a practice as important as mindfulness or meditation. I learned to replace guilt and shame with optimism and the belief I can change.” - J.D.
“Kim Shapira was a lifesaver for my husband. At the young age of 55, he was diagnosed with heart disease and we were at a loss for where to turn. We reached out to Kim and she was kind, informative, and very knowledgeable. In a short period of time, she set us on a course for a long healthy life. If you need help with anything nutrition related, she is an amazing choice. Thanks Kim we are forever grateful!” - M.