Knowledge is 🗝️ at any age

As a dietitian, my family loves when they ask me a question and I respond with a paper full of takeaways. My 20-year-old nephew came home from college for the summer and sought advice on how he can continue safely bulking up during his workouts while eating mindfully, it's an excellent opportunity to guide him with a balanced approach. Always integrating my six simple rules, I explain that he can achieve his fitness goals, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and sustain it for life.

1. Establishing a Realistic Workout Schedule

Morning Workouts: Having a busy work schedule, morning workouts can be ideal. Exercising in the morning boosts energy levels for the day and ensures the workout is completed before other commitments arise.

Evening Workouts: If mornings are not suitable, evening workouts are a great alternative. These can help someone unwind after a day’s work. Consistency is key, so he should choose a time that fits best with his daily routine.

Flexible Timing: Once again, emphasize that consistency matters more than specific timing. Even if the workout time varies, maintaining a routine is crucial for progress.

2. Efficient and Effective Workouts

Strength Training: I recommend focusing on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. These exercises work multiple muscle groups and are highly effective for building muscle. (His goal)

Cardio: I’d suggest incorporating short, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. HIIT is time-efficient and can improve cardiovascular health without taking too much time.

Rest Days: Most importantly, rest days, this is to allow muscles to recover and grow. Overtraining can lead to burnout and injuries, which can hinder progress.

Workout Duration: Aim for 45-60 minute sessions, 4-5 times a week. This duration is sufficient to provide effective workouts without overwhelming his schedule.

3. Nutrition with Protein-Fortified Foods (My favorite part)

  • Greek Yogurt: High in protein and perfect for breakfast or a snack.

  • Protein Shakes: Quick and convenient, ideal for post-workout recovery. Blend with fruits and vegetables for added nutrients.

  • Lean Meats and Fish: Chicken, turkey, and fish are excellent protein sources. Prepare in bulk for easy meal prep.

  • Eggs: Versatile and nutrient-dense, suitable for any meal.

  • Nut Butters: Great with whole-grain bread or added to smoothies for a protein boost.

  • Chickpea-Based Products: Include chickpea pasta or snacks for plant-based protein and fiber.

4. Sample Meal Plan


- Greek yogurt with mixed berries and nuts.

- Whole-grain toast with avocado and a poached egg.

Mid-Morning Snack:

- A protein bar with natural ingredients and minimal added sugars.


- Grilled chicken breast or tofu with quinoa and mixed greens, drizzled with olive oil.

- A side of fortified plant-based milk.

Afternoon Snack:

- A smoothie made with fortified plant-based milk, banana, spinach, and protein powder.


- Salmon or lentil patties with brown rice and steamed vegetables.

- A side salad with chickpeas and a light vinaigrette.

Evening Snack:

- Apple slices with almond butter.

5. Incorporating my Six Simple Rules

The six simple rules of the Kim Shapira Method can help him stay on track and maintain a healthy lifestyle while bulking up:

- Eat When You Are Hungry: Encourage mindful eating. Recognizing true hunger cues can prevent overeating and ensure he gets enough calories to support muscle growth without excess.

- Eat What You Love: Find protein-rich foods he enjoys to make the diet sustainable and enjoyable. This helps maintain motivation and adherence to the plan.

- Eat Without Distraction: Promote mindful eating to enhance digestion and satisfaction. Eating without distraction helps recognize fullness and prevents overeating.

- Walk 10,000 Steps a Day: Incorporate daily physical activity beyond workouts. Walking can aid in recovery and improve overall health.

- Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily: Stress the importance of staying hydrated, especially in the summer heat. Adequate hydration supports muscle function and recovery.

- Sleep 7 Hours Nightly: Emphasize the necessity of quality sleep for muscle recovery and overall health. A regular sleep schedule can enhance physical and mental performance.

6. Practical Tips for Success

- Plan and Prep Meals: Encourage meal preparation to ensure healthy options are always available, reducing the temptation to eat unhealthy foods.

- Set Specific Goals: Help him set clear, attainable fitness goals, such as increasing strength, building muscle, or maintaining physique. Specific goals provide motivation and direction.

- Track Progress: Suggest tracking progress through photos, measurements, or strength gains rather than just focusing on weight. This provides a comprehensive view of his achievements.

- Stay Flexible: Life can be unpredictable. Flexibility in the plan ensures he can adapt without feeling discouraged.

- Seek Support: If needed, suggest joining a gym or fitness group, or working with a personal trainer for additional guidance and motivation.

As always, I am here to help support your journey in any way possible. If you have any questions please ask me.




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